Monday, November 18, 2013

Five Star Review!

Thanks Mike Baron for the review!!


GI AND JO:  Three Songs
Gi and Jo have a sleek, urban R&B feel due mainly to Stephan Hoff’s songwriting and keyboards, which recall Georgio Moroder, and singer Joellen Cabot’s astonishing voice with its enormous range and tensile strength.  ”Tuesday Night” is a slinky minor key torch song with a killer hook, a seduction primer from a worldly woman.
Stephan sings the Tower of Power-ish “Don’t Be Steppin’ On My Groove” with Motown panache.  There’s a bittersweet quality to much of their work including this song which looks back at life from the middle.  The horn section sounds like trumpet, sax and ‘bone.  ”Red” is defiant rage channeled into a searing ballad and has been nominated for a Grammy.  ”I do not regret the raging bitch that I’ve become,” Joellen sings like an arcing comet with just a touch of melisma.
Five stars for the three songs.  These will eventually find their way onto a CD, or so they tell me.
Side Note:  We are so appreciative for this rockin' interview, however, we should make note that the song Red was submitted for a Grammy, not nominated...yet :)  We'll keep y'all posted!  Thanks again Mike for taking the time to listen and write about us!
G. I. and Jo!  

Monday, August 19, 2013

"Red" - Song of the Week!

You put your heart and soul into writing and recording songs and those songs become your special creations, kinda like children - in a very abstract way :)   You put those tunes out there and hope that others will  listen, and when you, the artist, are lucky enough to gain listeners, you hope that those people listening will find something in your music, or a particular song, that will resonate with their souls or perhaps dance on a few of their heart strings.  Our song "Red" seems to have found a few listeners who did find something "special" there.  We were awarded song of the week on the music site Mixposure:  Yay!  

Monday, August 5, 2013

Our Interview With Michael Stone

Please check out our interview with Michael Stone.  We had a lot of fun doing this interview with Micheal he is a great guy!  We talk a lot about our new tunes but more than that, we are so on board with what he is creating over at  He is promoting artists that "should be heard".  If you get a chance check out his site!

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Well, there is a long history behind this song, but rather than go into it, I will generalize and say this song is about living in the aftermath of an abusive relationship, the ghosts that haunt the mind and soul, and the struggle to forgive, forget and finally, heal...


Friday, July 12, 2013

New Release! "Steppin' On My Groove"

There's a lot to be said for Disney's Animated Classics.  They kept my daughter's attention for countless hours.  One thing we enjoyed when she was younger was watching movies together, always followed by the never boring 'dancing time'  where we could show off our new moves.  I remember watching The Emperor's New Groove where David Spade was the voice of Kuzco.  At one point in the story, Kuzco was irritated when an old man interrupted him while he was dancing.  His line was something like, “You threw off my groove.”  I thought at the time that would be a great idea for a song.  12 years later, the idea came to life.  The lyrics explain why.  (Don't Be) Steppin' On My Groove.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Tuesday Night

What do women want? The most loaded question since the garden of Eden. Writers of both sexes have written enough material on what makes a woman tick to fill the new meta data collection spy computer of the NSA. Truth be told, nobody really knows, least not men.  We just keep guessing, put on our best game faces, but honestly have no clue.  Tuesday night is a song I wrote about some obvious do's and dont's when it comes to impressing women.  Or not.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Finished at Last!

The last six months we've been spending much, if not most, of our free time recording three songs, which we will release consecutively, in July, 2013, starting with "Tuesday Night".

Let me begin with a big "YAY!"  We were not sure at the beginning of this three song project how to go about it.  It was the first time Stephan and I recorded without our usual line up of musicians.  We opted, rather, to use some midi/plug-ins to fill in for a few players, (for those of you who are not recording savvy, we used a bit of technology) to keep our recording costs low.  The end result?  Better than we could have imagined! 

We really had a dream team working on these songs and much thanks goes out to Steve Avedis, our brilliant producer and engineer; Tom Capek, who is our midi and mastering genius (and "crazy good" at string and horn orchestration); Doug Wilmarth for his co-writing and incredible/magical guitar skills and Colorado Sound, for their generosity and wonderful staff...Thanks Tammy!              

I wish we would have tweeted and posted pics and thoughts as we were recording this project.  We had such fun!  I believe sharing this recording experience would have been entertaining!  Next time!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Wow! We are back in the studio recording three new songs. Stylistically, these songs are somewhat different then what you've heard from us in the past, insomuch as they are a bit more groove oriented, at least two of them. We are rerecording "Red". It is certainly turning out to be a beautiful song. Lots of strings and orchestration! All three tracks are ready for vocals! We will be recording vocals for the rest of the month. We anticipate the three songs to be ready for distribution by April...can't wait for you all to hear them!